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Our services

What we do

lime plaster

Lime is a breathable and hygroscopic material. It is therefore a natural moisture regulator within the building.
Lime-based paints can be used, which are perfectly compatible with the mortar and maintain its hygroscopic and breathable properties.
Lime mortar is aseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal, so it prevents the formation of mould and other micro-organisms in the event of moisture problems of any kind.
Lime is produced at a lower temperature than cement, so CO2 emissions are lower, and given that there are factories that use biomass as a fuel in the process, emissions can be close to zero.
Modern or more rustic finishes can be produced.
Lime is very suitable for allergy sufferers.

Es ist eine Kalkputzoberfläche zu sehen, in die mit einer Bürste eine steinähnliche Struktur eingearbeitet wurde.

Interior and exterior painting

Wall and ceiling areas are usually many times larger than the floor area.

This offers the occupant a wealth of design options.

Transform your walls into expressive room elements.

We pay special attention to emission-free colours.

Bild eines Ess- und Wohnzimmers nach Abschluss des Innenausbaus noch ohne Möbel.


Drywall is an assembly method.

Due to its system diversity, special solutions can be developed for all requirements, such as sound insulation, fire protection, room climate, space gain, and much more.

Due to the very low moisture input, shorter construction times are achieved.

Installation lines can be installed much more easily.

All surfaces can be covered with drywall, walls, ceilings and floors.

Während des Innenausbaus sieht man eine Trockenbauwand im Entstehungsprozess.
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